Help Hambleton District tackle the
climate emergency

In partnership with the RSPB

Solar energy is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach net zero carbon emissions.


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A planning application has been submitted for Scruton Solar Farm, a 49.9 megawatt (MW) temporary solar installation on land within Hambleton District in North Yorkshire. Temporary permission is sought for 40 years but we need your help to make this happen.


Lightrock Power is proposing a new solar farm on land within Hambleton District in North Yorkshire to:

Meet the annual energy needs of 15,000 homes

Prevent 21,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere every year

Diversify land use to harvest renewable energy whilst supporting wildlife and sheep grazing

The proposed site (shaded in blue) lies to the east of the A1


At Lightrock Power, our goal is to become known for developing projects that are an asset to wildlife and their local community. We aim to do this by paying close attention to our three core pillars of environment, ecology and education.


Solar farms are one of cheapest ways of producing electricity in the UK. The fact that they do so without emitting Carbon Dioxide means we are helping to improve the UK’s impact on the global environment. It’s only a small piece of a much greater challenge but we’re committed to doing our bit for the environment.


People are aware of the climate crisis, but the ecological crisis is only now beginning to become more widely understood. One of our key differentiators is that we are seeking to go beyond industry best practice in terms of what we can do for wildlife and biodiversity. We’re working with one of our project partners, the RSPB, to develop solar farms that meet the Fair to Nature Standard. In addition to this, we have a number of wildlife charities and Trusts helping us to design projects that seek to be best-in-class, in the hope of raising the industry standard across the board.


One of the driving forces behind Lightrock is our young families; we’re motivated to create a better world for our children. We know that education and understanding help new technologies thrive and can dispel fear. We work with our operational project partners to ensure the solar farms can provide educational opportunities and visits for local school and nursery groups. We also seek to support local school and extra-curricular eco groups with our community benefit funds so please do get in touch if you know of a group that could benefit from our support.